Finally an Apartment

After three weeks of living in a hotel here and a month of living in a hotel in Houston during August I am happy to say that I moved into a new apartment this past week. Living in a hotel gets tiresome after a few months. Below are some pictures of my new home.

I have the safety: 
10ft wall surrounding my apartment with recycled glass embedded on it and an electric fence on top.
I have the amenities:
Living Room/ Kitchen equipped with my stylish rocking couch.
Gas stove Woot!

I have the company: 
Mr. Gecko lives in my bathroom. He was here when I moved in.
Abuelo keeps watch over the place when I am not around.
I also have the location: The large local open market is one block away. There I can find anything I need such as butchers, vendors, restaurants, veggie stands , barbershops and pretty much anything else I want. It is all packed into a maze of vendor stands that stretches about 2 blocks. I have not been able to take any pictures of it yet, maybe soon when I get back from work.